Terms and Conditions of Scoop Wheels

Welcome to scoopwheels.com! These terms and conditions outline the rules for using the website. By accessing and using our website, you agree to accept all these terms and conditions. In case you do not agree with any part of the terms, please do not continue to use our website.

1. Cookies

Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. By visiting scoopwheels.com, you agree to our use of cookies in the way described by our Privacy Policy. Cookies help us to improve site functions and your experience.

2. License

Unless stated otherwise, scoopwheels.com and/or its licensors own the rights to all material on this website. They own the intellectual property rights. You are not allowed to sell, rent, or sublicense any of the website’s material. You can’t use any of the website’s material for your own commercial purpose. Or publicize any of the website’s material in another media.


Users may post and share their views or info. scoopwheels.com does not filter or edit comments before publishing. It is not responsible for them. Users warrant that their comments will not violate any intellectual property right. They will also not contain defamatory or offensive material.

4. Hyperlinking to our Content

These organizations may link to our website without prior approval. They include: government agencies, search engines, news organizations, and online directories. But, we ask them to only link to our home page. They should not do so in a misleading way that implies sponsorship from us.

5. iFrames

They shall not make frames around our web pages. Frames alter our website’s look. Thereby, iFrames should not change the visual display of our site or its look.

6. Content Liability

We will not be liable for any content that may appear on those websites that we may have linked to from our website. The user hereby agrees to protect us from any claims that might be rising due to his website.

7. Privacy

Read our Privacy Policy. It explains how we collect, use, and protect personal information.

8. Reservation of Rights

We can also ask to remove any link to our website. We can also amend these terms and conditions. Continued use of the website will be considered as acceptance of the made changes.

We may consider requests to remove links that are offensive or wrong. But, we are not required to do so.

10. Disclaimer

We exclude all representations, warranties, and conditions about our website. We also exclude those about using this website. We do this to the maximum extent allowed by law. We are not liable in any case. This is true for contracts, torts, and other cases. We are not liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages and losses. This is also true for damages related to using this website.


Access to, and use of, the Site is subject to the following terms and conditions and all applicable laws. Accessing this website is an agreement to follow the following terms. You must read and understand them. You are hereby required to get in touch with us in case of any doubt or for clarification.